This is a result of the clearing process by going through my stock of both trials and finished works. The textile that functions here as a support for a ‹heritage material› I had taken care of, and so the textile became ‹Time Tidsmøtemeeting›; time meeting between my proof print from 1990 and the heirloom probably from around 1950 and created in 2024.
Phase 1 – 1 January – 15 July 2024
‹ALL MINE› is an art project with a retrospective look at my artistry as a textile artist from about 1990 until today; both tests and finished works. Some of this material will appear as physical point presentations in various environments in Førde. The choice of work is determined based on the location/situation in question, and the installations will last for about 1 month. The ‹Alt mitt› project is continuously documented and detailed on the website here.
Phase 2 – 15 August – 1 November 2025
All the spot presentations will take place in a barn in the center of Førde, and will be conveyed digitally in the first instance. Towards the end of the project, I will have an open barn at one point, and then open according to need/interest.
Phase 3 – 1. January – 1. November 2025
‹That which comes after that which has been