‹Textile block›, varying size within approx. 10x12x4 cm, wool embroidery, cross stitch, mounted on wooden block.
‹Up collection› 2019-2021
‹Up collection›, ca. 35cm x 45 x 30cm, textile remnants, glued, knotted, crocheted etc.
‹DANCE›, 2020
‹Dance› 2020
‹Red Fence›, 2018
Dette er eit gjerde; eit parkert gjerde.Det er mjuka opp med tekstil og det løyser seg opp i eine…
‹From the beginning to the end› (‹Kvit tilstand›), 2018
‹From the beginning to the end›, detail, 2018, approx. 40x35x10 cm, circular knit thread, wooden needles, knitted up to a shape.
Rosa variety 2017
Part of the project / where the textile is pinned up with wooden sticks …
‹Dialogue› 1, 2 og 3
‹Dialogue› 1, 2 and 3, 2016, a 20 × 20 cm, Screen printing and embroidery on linen.
Revir I, II, II og IV
Revir I, II, II og IV, plywood, wool yarn, knitting, leaf sawing.
Thread III
‹Thread III›, 2016, 35×35 cm, detail, Screen Printing on textile, cotton sateen
Pixel embroidery, 2015
Strameibroderi based on landscape photography and transformed through technique and material
‹Vinterskog›, ‹Under treet› og ‹Lysglimt›
‹Small Talk›, 2014
‹Small Talk›, 2014, 20×30 cm, embroidery, patchwork seam, cotton canvas…
‹Running stick›, 2014
Textile project 2014
‹The rest›, 2013
I am keen to use the material located close by and I have to decide what is the best way to use it, either throw or use.
‹Into my mother’s head›, 2012
Inside my mother’s head, 2012, is a small textile which is about my old mother’s loss of skill.
‹Thread knotting›, 2012
When you sit in front of a pile of thread remains and just starts to tie; thread for thread …
‹Embroidery›, 2011
Embroidered by dot pattern
‹Thread›, 2010
The textile picture looks seemingly shapeless, but after a while one is able to understand and construe the picture so that one gets a perception of what the starting point is. -thread on a black tabletop.
‹Trivselshagen›, Cultural Center, 2009
Public art of Cultural Center ‹Trivselshagen›, Sandane, Norway, 2009. The wall cushions, has both a decorative and a sound absorbing effect.
‹Dialogue›, 2009
This is a continuation of other wall cushions I have made earlier. In these wall cushions I have used…
‹Territory›, 2008
‹Territory› symbolizes the male hunting instinct and the female care›
‹Lamp with a motive›, 2005
Project: ‹Wooden body with clothes. Here as a lamp motive.
‹Figures for Comfort›, 2005
Inspired by a woollen blanket and the associations connected to it. The left-over material from other work was turned into figures.
‹Wooden body with clothes› , 2005
A small comment to present times and values nowadays; exercise for fingers and flight for thoughts.
‹Proposal›, 2005
In the work «Proposal» I have arranged a meeting between a female and a male form of expression.
‹Storing›, 2005
Storing of flowers cut out of a woolen blanket and stored like this in order to keep them in shape. And it became a wall object on an exhibition
‹Three dresses and a curtain›, 2005
I have always been inspired by mi near past and what has happened to me. I searched dress fabric, but have not had many myself … This is my mother’s three dress fabric and a curtain fabric from the same place …
‹Wall Cushions I›, 2005
This work is intended for public decorations. In addition to being a piece of decoration, it is intended as a sound absorbing object in the room/at the wall.
‹Sirkel og sirkel›, 2000
In this wall installation each textile is part of a circle and the decoration is based on the same circular form.
Bjørkås sykehjem, 1996
Public art of the canteen, Bjørkaas Sjukeheim, Oppegård, 1996, 350×210 two layers, a 300×203 cm and with 50 cm switching, textile print, cotton
My streaks
‹My streaks› is a textile exhibited at Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo in 1997