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‹MØNSTRING 2024 Stad, tilknyting, rørsle›

‹MØNSTRING 2024› is a group/member exhibition. The Artists’ Centre in Sogn og Fjordane (producer) in the premises of Sogn og Fjordane Art Museum. Time: November 1, 2024 – March 2, 2025

Launch exhibition, gallery CM7, Bergen

Art exhibition/-salon in connection with the launch of the website
Tekstilfestival 12. til 15. mai 2021, nettplakat


The textile festival in Leiden from 12 to 15 May 2021 is a festival planned for 2020. Due to covid19, the festival was postponed until 2021 and finally turned into a partially digital event.
Invitation, SFKM, motif detail of ‹Collection›, photo: Oddleif Apneseth

‹Mønstring 2021›, Sogn og Fjordane Kunstmuseum

Member exhibition for visual arts in Sogn og Fjordane district 13 March – 25 April 2021
‹The Rest›, 2013, ca 20x20x20 cm, thread leftovers glued together.

‹Eit berekraftig utopolis?›

Curated group exhibition, 17. februal – 14. april 2019, Galleri Salhus, NorskTrikotasjemuseum.
‹Red fence›, 2018, detail, about 85x70x60 cm (unrolled length about 6 m), textile material embedded string, fence bonding technique.

MØNSTRING 2018, Sogn and Fjordane Art Museum

Art Exhibition of organized Kunstnarar with ties to Sogn og Fjordane. Free submission for all professional artists in the county.
‹Tilstand›, 2018

Heimyrkeskulen og kunsten, Sunnfjord Kunstlag


The large soft moments in Finnskogen 2017

Juried member exhibition in connection with the Norwegian Textile Artists (NTK) is celebrating its 40th anniversary in 2017.

‹Face to face› 2016, Bratislava

18th international exhibition of textile miniatures ZOČI-VOČI / FACE TO FACE
Pixel embroidery ‹Red Forest 1-4› and ‹Gray Horizon›, ca 16 x 23 cm, stramei, woolen thread, wooden board, 2015


17. – 25. oktober 2015 Sunnfjord Kunstlag has invited 40 artists associated with the Sogn og Fjordane county to celebrate 40 years as Art Association.
2015 Oppspilt broken thread

‹MØNSTRING 2015 – Art Sogn og Fjordane›

‹MØNSTRING 2015 – Art Sogn og Fjordane› is a member exhibition for professional artists in the county of Sogn og Fjordane.

7th international biennal of mini textile art ‹Scythia›, Ukraine

7th international biennal of mini textile art ‹Scythia›, Urkaina, 16. – 27. june 2015


The textile ‹Into my Mothers Head›, 2012, is participate to this exhibition in Praha
TXT Pozv miniatura, 2015

Memory of Textile, 2015, Bratislava

The textile ‹Into my Mothers Head›, 2012, is participate to this exhibition in Bratislava.
Part of the exhibition poster

The Autumn Exhibition

This autumn exhibition organized by Flora Art Association. They arrange their exhibitions in the Coastal Museum in Sogn og Fjordane, which is located in the city.
Pages 1 and 2 in the catalog.

The Vevring Exhibition 2013

Annual Scandinavian Exhibition of visual arts and crafts, arranged in a little place on the countryside of Norway. The organizer is by voluntary work.
‹Thoughts - that is›, 2013, flyers front site.

‹Thought – That is…›

THOUGHTS – THAT IS… , VIII International Biennial of Textile Miniatures. Utstilling i Vilnius, Lithuania
From the catalog of the exhibition.

‹KUNSTsf 2012›

Dette er ei utstilling som inngjekk i opningsprogrammet for nytt museumsbygg i Sogn og Fjordane som ei kuratert medlemsutstilling.
Designers' Christmas market

DEJM 2011

Designers’ Christmas Fair (DEJM) is a private initiative and an offer for designers and artists to exhibit and sell handmade design. The market is juried by the criterion for the market to have a good and varied selection of products.

Mini Textile Art Exhibition

The 5th International Mini Textile Art Exhibition, Ukraina, 2011. Works max 30x30x30 cm is exhibited.
Vanich and survive, 2011, The 7th iInternational Biennal og Texrile Miniature Art, flyers

‹Vanish / Survive›, 2011

Three works in the series ‹‹Figures for Comfort› has been selected to participate the 7th International Biennial of Textile Miniatures, ‹Vanich/Survive›, 2011. The exhibition will be held at The Lithuanian Artist’s Association’s gallery “Arka” in Vilnius.
Designers’ Christmas Fair, DogA, Oslo, 2010

DEJM 2010

Designers’ Christmas Fair, DogA, Oslo, 2010
Catalog frontpage

The Vevring Exhibition 2009

“Dialogue”, Vevringutstillinga 2009, Textile printing mm, 3×4 pieces a 35×35 cm (115 x 150 cm), Photo: ANH
Catalog frontpage

Dok#1 market 2009

Doc # 1 is a market which takes place in Aalborg, Denmark, every late summer / fall. This year is the second time the market was held.
Flyers to the exhibition "Tendencies 2008 - Somewhere else, Galleri F15, Jeløya, Moss

‹Another place›

Tendenser 2008, Galleri F15, Moss. An annual exhibition focusing on Nordic arts and crafts.
From the exhibition catalog.

‹Art textiles Norway›

Touring exhibition of Norwegian Textile Artists, Art Textiles Norway, 2006-2007. The work «Courtship», has participated at the juryated exhibition. The exhibition will be shown in Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia and Bulgaria.

Norwegian Textiltriennal

A part of the Norwegian Textiles Triennial 06 is shown at this exhibition in Röhsska Museum in Gothenburg.
The web front page presentation for the exhibition.

‹Triennal-06›, 2006

‹Figures for comfort› is a work in which I have used remnants from another’s work and made this together to figures. – for comforting in our modern time …
Solo Exhibition, 2005, Art Center, Førdehuset, SFKM, flyers

Art Center, 2005

Solo Exhibition, 2005, Art Center, Førdehuset, SFKM. Norway

Cooperhuset, Balestrand, 2003

Solo exhibition, Cooperhuset, Balestrand, Norway, 2003
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Utvekslingsutstilling mellom Sogn og Fjordane Kunstnersenter og Stichting Verenigde Beeldende Kunstenaars Dordrecht, 2-24 .september
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40 – 50 – 60

Separate exhibition together with Astrid Myklebust and Astrid Wittersø 1994in connection with our 40th, 50th and 60th anniversaries.
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Stofftrykk. Separatutstilling i Oslo 21. august til 12. september i Kunsthåndverkssalen, 2. etasje.