Dok#1 market 2009

Catalog frontpage
Catalog frontpage
Audgunn Naustdal Holsen's page in the catalog
Audgunn Naustdal Holsen’s page in the catalog
Photo of "Textile Shapes" which was exhibited at the market.
Photo of "Textile Shapes" which was exhibited at the market.
Photo of "Textile Shapes" which was exhibited at the market.
Photo of ‹Textile Shapes› which was exhibited at the market.
The market table on Dok#1, 2009.
The market table on Dok#1, 2009
The market table on Dok#1, 2009.
The market table on Dok#1, 2009

Doc # 1 is a market which takes place in Aalborg, Denmark, every late summer / fall. This year is the second time the market was held. This year I attended as a guest and as a foreign participant. There were participants from Denmark, Sweden, Holland and Germany.


Dok#1 market 2009

Doc # 1 is a market which takes place in Aalborg, Denmark, every late summer / fall. This year is the second time the market was held.