KUR 9; Art project with school children

Elevar i arbeid
Working on the fence.
Elevar i arbeid.
Working on the fence.
Litt pause for fotografen.
Timeout for the photographer.
The color
Øving i å knyte tøyremser til eit prøvegjerde.
Workout on tying cloth filler on a test fence.

KUR had ahead of Vevring exhibition 2013 an art project with the pupils at school Vevring. In three hours we activized the pupils. In days up to the exhibition the pupils worked independently with the project.
The theme was “Clouds”.

Karen Helga Maurstig
Astrid Wittersø
Inghild Sleire
Merete Hol Tefre
Audgunn Naustdal Holsen.

KUR 9; Art project with school children

KUR had ahead of Vevring exhibition 2013 an art project with the pupils at school Vevring.