‹Mønstring 2021›, Sogn og Fjordane Kunstmuseum

Invitasjon, SFKM, motiv detalj av ‹Oppsamling›, foto: Oddleif Apneseth
Invitation, SFKM, motif detail of ‹Collection›, photo: Oddleif Apneseth
‹Oppsamling›, detalj, ca 35cm x 45 x 30cm, tekstile restar, limt, knytt, hekla mm.
‹COLLECTION›, detail, 2018-2020, Textile leftovers, glue and knots, crochet elements etc., ca 3 x45x30 cm, photo Audgunn.
‹Oppsamling›, ca 35cm x 45 x 30cm, tekstile restar, limt, knytt, hekla mm. I utstillinga ‹Mønstring 2021›, Sogn og Fjordane Kunstmuseum.
‹COLLECTION›, 2018-2020, Textile leftovers, glue and knots, crochet elements etc., ca 3 x45x30 cm, photo Audgunn, in the exhibition.
‹DANS›, 2020, kjolestoff, streng og brenneslerøter, 4 stk element, a ca 25 x 20 x 15 cm, foto Audgunn
‹DANCE›, 2020, dress fabric, string and nettle roots, 4 stk element, a ca 25 x 20 x 15 cm, photo Audgunn

‹MØNSTRING› is a member exhibition for the two artist organizations in Sogn og Fjordane: Biletkunstnarane i Sogn og Fjordane (BKSF) and Norske Kunsthandverkarar Vest-Norge, department Sogn og Fjordane (NKVN). 35 artists have signed up for this exhibition. From the submitted material, the curator has put together the exhibition.
The exhibition time: March 13, 2021 to April 25, 2021.
CURATOR: Eirin Malund Svendsen

About the exhibition
Sogn og Fjordane Kunstmuseum

‹Mønstring 2021›, Sogn og Fjordane Kunstmuseum

Member exhibition for visual arts in Sogn og Fjordane district 13 March - 25 April 2021