The textile ‹On cross and across› was shown the first time in the gallery ‹Fylkesgalleriet i Sogn og Fjordane› and at the exhibition ‹40-50-60› in 1994. I, Audgunn (age 40), Astrid Wittersø (age 50) and Astrid Myklebust (age 60) had an exhibition there together in 1994, 30 years ago. Now in 2024, one of my textiles from 1994 has been restored and will be exhibited once again in the car dealership FRYDENBØ BIL. This is part of my projekt ‹All Mine› in 2024.
‹ALL MINE› is an retrospektivt art project where I look at my artistry as a textile artist from about 1990 until today; both samples and finished works. Some of this material will appear in spot presentations in various environments in Førde. The choice of artwork is determined based on the space/situation, and the installations will remain for about 1 month. The project ‹All Mine› will continuously be documented and explained at my homepage: